Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This wicked out of control feeling...

Yep, I did it. Miss neurosis made the surprising quick flight back to the East Coast, smoothly crossed the border, and made it to bed without a single thought in my often overrun head. Oh that first night back in Canada couldn`t have gone more smoothly. That`s why, I suppose, that all hell seemed to break loose after that point in time. Moving in wasn`t as bed as moving out mind you, but that wicked out of control feeling wasn`t helped by the boxes piled up in the corner. 

Montreal is a beautiful, wonderful, marvelous city inhabited by a multitude of rambunctious, well, inhabitants. But bearings aside, I can`t help but feel like this is a conquer or be conquered type of situation. I've heard immigration horror stories, wrapped my mind around their likelihood, took a deep breath, and resolved to go with the flow. I just wish that calm and cool facade was a legitimate element of my personality. Instead, I am canard-ing my way through the week. Faced with the likelihood of no job soon, no money even sooner, and no computer to boot.

How I get myself into these predicaments is one question; how I get myself out is another.